Welcome to my events page.
Welcome, here you will find any up-coming workshops that I am teaching, and events I am participating in.
I am over the moon to finally have my horse-float, named ‘The BumbleArt Express”, I am now in the process of letting people know I am ready to start to travel, teaching and joining in local events. So hopefully there will hopefully be lots of workshops and events happening soon.
Thank you for your interest, just click on the events to follow link, and if you have any further inquires, please, do not hesitate to contact me.
Upcoming Workshops
Oil Painting & Pencil Drawing Workshop
with Catherine Clark Dowden Artwork
22nd – 26th May 2024
5 days $2550 including accommodation, tutelage, all meals, tours and materials & equipment.
Come along and learn how to draw and paint life-like images using quality artist materials . Suitable for beginners as well as seasoned artists.
Bookings through Blackall Cultural Association.
Upcoming Events
AgGrow Emerald Field Days
I am really looking forward to being apart of the AgGrow Emerald Field days again, as last year was so much fun!
Come visit my stall, I will be painting a new oil portrait, not sure whether it will be a horse, a dog or a human…
I am at site 33, just outside the Emerald Pavilion, and the dates are : 20th – 22nd June 2024
i do hope to see you there.